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Our very first pilot FO unit was taken into operation at Arla Foods Dairy this week, coupled to an RO unit to recover the draw solution. We in IBISS are so happy for this...
Great news from Australia! Federico Volpin got awarded on IFOA2016 summit in Sydney for his poster about fertilizer driven forward osmosis using the Aquaporin Inside...
Aquaporin membranes presentaed by Claus Hélix-Nielsen at Slovene Chemical Days – Slovenian Chemical Society Annual Meeting, Portorož
Biomimetic membranes coming of age presented by Claus Hélix-Nielsen at Gordon Research Conference, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, New Hampshire, USA.
Revolutionizing Water Purification by Means of Industrial Biotech Techniques presented by Claus Hélix-Nielsen at the Danish-Polish Summit arranged by Dansk Industri. Industriens...
Innovation in SMEs: challenges and opportunities presented by Claus Hélix-Nielsen to the Research and Education Committee of the Danish Parliament, COBIS, Copenhagen
Claus Hélix-Nielsen gave a presentation on H2020 and Public Private Partnerships at Væksthus Hovedstaden, Copenhagen
Claus Hélix-Nielsen gave a talk and worked as a panelist on Aquaporin’s erfaring med MUDP at the Konference: Fremtiden for det miljøtekniske udviklings- og demonstrationsprogram...
Claus Hélix-Nielsen gave a presentation on Forward with osmosis – new membrane developments at 150 Year Jubilee Seminar DTU Environment, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Innovationsprojektet DiViNe at ‘Virksomhedernes erfaringer med europæiske støttekroner arranged by Dansk Industri, and Uddannelses og Forskningsministeriet, Copenhagen...