Sven-Erik Gryning | Senior Researcher Emeritus | DTU Wind | +45 46 77 50 05 |  |
Iryna Grynyova | Postdoc | DTU Construct | |  |
Moritz Johann Gräfe | Post.Doc. | DTU Wind | +45 41 76 28 49 |  |
Kyv Grøn | Communication and Outreach | DTU Electro | +45 45 25 51 21 |  |
Manja Gersholm Grønberg | Postdoc | DTU Compute | |  |
Andreas Grønbjerg | Course organiser | Arcanic | |  |
Jens Grønborg | Ph.d.-studerende | DTU Engineering Technology | |  |
Mathias Grønborg | Research Assistant | DTU Physics | |  |
Josephine Bøgeskov Grønning | Guest Postdoc | DTU Aqua | |  |
Jakob Meinertz Grønvald | PhD Student | DTU Construct | |  |
Carla Roberta Grüne | Akademisk medarbejder | DTU Space | |  |
Magnus Felix Grüner | PhD student | DTU Construct | |  |
Wenjia Gu | Postdoc | DTU Bioengineering | |  |
Liuyan Gu | Postdoc | DTU National Food Institute | |  |
Vanesa María Sánchez Guajardo | Academic Coordinator - Special Consultant | DTU Biosustain | +45 20 24 79 16 |  |
Mattia Guarneri | Hjælpelærer | DTU Management | |  |
Mattia Guarnieri | PhD Student | DTU Physics | |  |
Sandip Guchhait | Postdoc | DTU Physics | |  |
Sebastian Gude | Postdoc | DTU Biosustain | |  |
Valborg Gudmundsdottir | Postdoc | DTU Health Tech | +45 45 25 24 70 |  |
Gudrun Fjola Gudmundsdottir | PhD Student | DTU Electro | +45 31 64 36 88 |  |
Saule Gudziute | Hjælpelærer | DTU Wind | |  |
Stephane Roger Pierre Guerraz | Development Manager | DTU Learn for Life | +45 81 94 21 21 |  |
Gabriel Miguel Gomes Guerreiro | Industrial PhD Siemens Gamesa | DTU Wind | |  |
Julia Anna Guggenberger | PhD Student | DTU Management | |  |
Patrick Guggenberger | Postdoc | DTU Physics | |  |
Simone Guglielmino | PhD Student | DTU Electro | +45 45 25 36 63 |  |
Pierre Guilloteau | Research Assistant | DTU Chemical Engineering | |  |
Carmen Milian Guimera | Postdoc | DTU Health Tech | |  |
Peter Buch Guldager | Associate Professor | DTU Space | +45 45 25 34 60 |  |
Maja Ferrer Guldager | Digitaliseringskonsulent | ADM4 | +45 93 51 18 78 |  |
Helena Guldbrandsen | Hjælpelærer | DTU Management | |  |
Caroline Guldhammer | HR Coordinator | ADM3 | +45 93 51 00 99 |  |
Bitten Gullberg | Senior Researcher | DTU Space | |  |
Zoltan Andras Guller | PhD student | DTU Health Tech | |  |
Vijay Gunasekaran | Postdoc | DTU Electro | +45 52 67 16 64 |  |
Emil Gundersen | PhD student | DTU National Food Institute | |  |
Carsten Gundlach | Senior Executive Research Officer | DTU Physics | +45 22 38 42 41 |  |
Jan Wittrup Gundorf | HR Psychologist, HR Strategic Development | ADM3 | +45 30 40 19 64 |  |
William Gundtorp | Industrial PhD | DTU Chemical Engineering | |  |
Marlene Gunnarson | Regnskabsmedarbejder | ADM5 | +45 45 25 78 65 |  |
Alexander Philipp Gunnarson | Postdoc | DTU Physics | |  |
Christine Pepke Gunnarsson | PhD student | DTU Electro | +45 45 25 68 70 |  |
Yi Guo | Professor and Head of Section | DTU Wind | +45 93 51 35 82 |  |
Changlu Guo | PhD Student | DTU Compute | |  |
Harshvardhan Maheshkant Gupta | PhD Student | DTU Electro | |  |
Megha Gupta | Postdoc | DTU Wind | +45 93 51 34 94 |  |
Kapil Kumar Gupta | Researcher | DTU Construct | +45 50 33 50 74 |  |
Tushar Gupta | Postdoc | DTU Physics | |  |
Søren Gustafsson | Project Controller | ADM5 | +45 93 51 07 88 |  |
Pascal Guth | PhD Student | DTU Chemical Engineering | |  |
Miguel Temboury Gutierrez | Postdoc | DTU Health Tech | |  |
Claudia Andrea Torero Gutierrez | Postdoc | DTU National Food Institute | |  |
Lars Emil Gutt | Postdoc | DTU Electro | |  |
Maria Straub Guttesen | Assistant Professor | DTU Adgangskursus | |  |
Khorshid Kam Guyan | Postdoc | DTU Health Tech | |  |
Daniel Guzzo | Researcher | DTU Construct | |  |
Luna Kuik Gyalokay | Venture Lead at Earthbound | DTU Skylab | +45 26 27 21 95 |  |
Morten Haurum Gynning | Ingeniørassistent | DTU Engineering Technology | +45 93 51 02 68 |  |
Istvan Gyorbiro | Akademisk medarbejder | DTU Chemical Engineering | |  |
Maria Gæde | Studentermedhjælper | DTU Space | |  |
Emil Toftegaard Gæde | PhD student | DTU Compute | |  |
Pere Izquierdo Gómez | Postdoc | DTU Wind | |  |
Martí Morera Gómez | PhD student | DTU Bioengineering | |  |
Eszter Gökler | Student Assistant | Housing | |  |
Yaman Göksel | Postdoc | DTU Health Tech | +45 45 25 57 54 |  |
Marcus Göransson | Research Assistant | DTU Health Tech | |  |
Tuhfe Göçmen | Senior Researcher | DTU Wind | +45 61 39 62 41 |  |
Inge Li Gørtz | Professor | DTU Compute | +45 45 25 36 73 |  |
Nina Gøthche | Ekstern lektor | DTU Sustain | |  |
Pernille Gøtz | Specialkonsulent | DTU Energy | +45 50 50 99 70 |  |
Benjamin Falkenberg Gøtzsche | PhD student | DTU Electro | |  |
Ronja Güldenring | Postdoc | DTU Electro | |  |
Selen Günay | Intern | ADM4 | |  |
Aleksander Moldt Haack | Research Assistant | DTU Bioengineering | |  |
Magnus Haahr | PhD Student | DTU Bioengineering | |  |
Elisabeth Groth Haarsted | Projektleder | ADM4 | |  |
Laura Therese Markholst Habicht | Studenterstudievejleder | ADM4 | |  |
Maher Abou Hachem | Professor | DTU Bioengineering | |  |
Martin Hack | Research assistant | DTU Energy | |  |
Marc Isern Hacker | PhD Student | DTU Compute | |  |
Sahle Berhane Hadgu | Systems Engineer | IT Service | +45 45 25 74 49 |  |
Niels Hadrup | Adjunct Associate Professor | DTU National Food Institute | |  |
Sine Reker Hadrup | Head of Section, Professor | DTU Health Tech | +45 35 88 62 90 |  |
Amee Johanna Van Haeften | Research Assistant | DTU National Food Institute | |  |
Emilie Plouman Hag | Studentermedhjælper | AFRI | |  |
Jeppe Mathias Madsen Hagedorn | Laboratory Engineer | DTU Construct | |  |
Julie Hagedorn-Møller | Administrative coordinator | DTU Sustain | +45 93 51 13 79 |  |
Jannick Bach Hagen | Ingeniørassistent | DTU Space | |  |
Anke Hagen | Professor | DTU Energy | +45 46 77 58 84 |  |
Julie Hagenow | Programme Coordinator | DTU Entrepreneurship | +45 93 51 16 60 |  |
Negin Haghighat | PhD Student | DTU Construct | 004797347145 |  |
Fredrik Haglind | Professor | DTU Construct | +45 45 25 41 13 |  |
Millan Hagström | Administrative Coordinator | DTU Energy | +45 93 51 05 65 |  |
Ahmad Kasem Haidar | PhD Student | DTU Chemistry | +45 31 87 12 41 |  |
Ahmad Kasem Haidar | PhD Student | DTU Health Tech | +45 31 87 12 41 |  |
Alireza Hajebrahimi | Akademisk medarbejder | DTU Health Tech | |  |
Mohammad Reza Hajiabadi | Tenure Track Researcher | DTU Offshore | |  |
Adnan Adil Ebrahim Hajomer | Researcher | DTU Physics | |  |
Nada Nawar Hajwal | Hjælpelærer | DTU Engineering Technology | |  |